Claire Warden of Scotland will be visiting Winnipeg for a day of inspiration on April 21, 2012. Claire is the founder of several Nature Kindergartens in Scotland, sits on the Leadership committee of the International “Nature Action Collaborative for Children” group of the World Forum Foundation, and runs a training centre called www.mindstretchers.co.uk. Here is what we know so far:
· Claire had been invited to Canada by some of our friends in Ontario (Sault St. Marie) to do a conference[the Inspire Conference] with them. We are piggy backing on the opportunity, and thus have not had much choice in the dates.
· We are sensitive that this is only a month away from the MCCA conference and are hoping that this will in no way affect your plans to take in the best provincial conference in Canada. MCCA has gone out of their way to again include many speakers on the topic of children and nature, so do take that into consideration.
· That being said, I’ve met Claire many times over the years, and she continues (along with the whole NACC group) to be the most significant inspiration in the area of nature and children that exists in my world.
· Claire will be spending the day with Discovery staff on the Monday, but I really wanted as many of you as possible to have a chance to meet and be inspired by Claire. Really, you don’t get these kinds of opportunities that often.
· Claire is a world renowned speaker and trainer who does come with a price. The cost is $50/person or $35 for a group of 10 or more. Please, Please, Please consider this unique opportunity. If interested in attending this one day of inspiration with Claire Warden please contact Karen.
To view the poster for this event go here Claire Warden Nature Conference.1203B for more information about Claire: A little bit about Claire Warden.