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Additional Activities


Unlike any other Professional Development conference you might attend, at the Manitoba Nature Summit the workshops are only a small part of the learning. We have arranged it this way because – like the children we work with, we believe that the best way to be an effective learner is to learn through play and wonder. When you leave the Nature Summit we don’t just want you to say you have learned- we want you to be invigorated, inspired and engaged so you can pass the wonder on to the children in your life.

Therefore, if you attend the full Summit, rather than just the day-time, you will receive 24 hours of Professional Development hours. This isn’t an exaggeration- you will be learning for at least 24 hours worth of your time and believe me- you’ll feel like it by the time the weekend is over! In fact you may want to book Monday off work too so you can recuperate…

So here is the low down on some of the learning/activity/play opportunities that will be available outside of the official workshop time:

UPDATE: (as of August 4th,2014): Camp Manitou reports that the zipline is currently decommissioned due to safety concerns and the dock had to be removed due to high water levels. We are waiting to hear if they will be fixed before the 2014 Nature Summit. 


Lunchtime: Join in on the Decorate your Tent/Room contest. Network with your room mates and win the glory of having the snazziest digs!

3:30-5:30  Active outdoor games

– tree climbing demo with Christopher Barkman

– archery*

– fishing (bring your own equipment and license)

yoga – join the fabulous Erin Greene for yoga under the trees! Meet by the main fire pit if you are interested. Don’t forget to pack your yoga mat!

– dip netting

– bird hike

– walk the grounds

– tent/door decorating

7:30-????  Evening Activities

dave-barnes1) Astronomy Through Myth  with Dave Barnes. Dave Barnes is a retired Brandon educator who has been teaching astronomy to high school students and community groups for almost 40 years. His passions in life include healthy food, permaculture, movement and physical fitness, making maple syrup, and nature studies. Dave and friends recently formed Assiniboine Food Forest to manage a 40-acre permaculture preserve in Brandon.

The study of astronomy brings life-long joy and fascination to the learner. When explained through myth and story-telling, we connect the beautiful objects of the heavens with real human issues, growing closer to nature and the pulse of the seasons. The heavens are eternal, as is the beauty of life. The workshop (or simply outside activity) aims to empower participants through active participation and joyful sharing.

You can sign up for this workshop when you arrive at Camp Manitou. Dress warm and BYOBinoculars. Dave also recommends bringing a small red-light source for reading maps, a clipboard and warm blanket or something to lay on as most of the workshop will be spent lying prone. This workshop will work best with a maximum of 20 people.

maddi_rocks2) Night Hike– Join Educator/Naturalist Maddi Kettner on a night hike around Camp Manitou for a unique opportunity to experience the forest at night.

This is an informal activity- so no signing up necessary. Maddi will make an announcement around the campfire.


Kim Hanna & Marc Battle3) Campfire/Music/Storytelling- Bring your instruments, songbooks, headlamps, lawn chairs, Marshmallows, and best stories to share around the campfire.



blind drum stalk4) Blind Drum Stalk–  Laura Reeves will lead us in a sensory awareness game for children and adults alike. This will happen near the main camp fire around dusk. It’s super fun!




Sit Spot Time- The Summit can be overwhelmingly wonderful so you might need to get away and have a Sit Spot time. A Sit Spot includes finding a secluded spot to sit and be calm. For more detailed instructions follow this link. 

8:30-1:30 – Vendor/Resource Fair- Join us in the John Bock Friendship Centre for  a display of Nature Education related resources and vendors. For detailed information contact Ruth Armstrong or watch this website.

3:30 – 5:30 – discussion group topics to be lead by a SME (subject matter expert). Pull up a lawn chair to network and share information and resources with like-minded people OR do your own thing

Discussion Groups so far: 

Michele Henderson will be sharing her experiences at the Children Learning in Nature Conference in Santa Cruz, California.

Corine Anderson will be facilitating a discussion group called What’s Next in Winnipeg? Do we need an Adventure Playground like The Land? How can we get more child friendly green spaces in Winnipeg? How about a Family Nature Club? let’s vision a play-friendly, child-friendly ‘Peg and see what we can do to start the ball rolling!

6:00 – 7:30 – dinner
– Silent Auction draws

-Mystery box auction

– Tent/door decorating awards

7:30 – ???

 Outdoor film festival – Pull up your sleeping bag and join us on the lawn for a viewing of Nature Education themed films. Giles Ringer will be hosting this event.

So far we’ve lined up our video Manitoba Nature Summit:Get Outside and Play!

mns video poster

and Project Wild Thing (soooooo excited to see this!)

project wild

Open Campfire Jam – bring your own instrument, music, story, treat


Mae Louise Campbell10:00 – 11:30 – Seven Teachings around the camp fire with Mae Louise Campbell. 

Mae Louise Campbell is an Ojibway Métis Elder. She has gained respect within the Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal community as an elder with a vision of healing for the people, a warm generous heart, and a sense of humour that “makes the medicine go down”.

Mae Louise has travelled across Canada sharing traditional Aboriginal teachings. She has sat on many boards, been the guest speaker at numerous organizational and political meetings, and led thousands of sharing/healing circles. Her commitment to help people is evident in the number of calls she receives each week for this work.

Mae Louise lives out in St. Laurent Manitoba where she is the keeper of Grandmother Moon Lodge. The lodge was created for the healing of women, built totally by women for women, without any government funding. She, along with her daughters offer various programs such as drum making and talking stick workshops for organizations, agencies and groups of individuals who are in need of spiritual healing and growth.
11:30 – 12:00 – closing/farewell/send off to 2016!

*This schedule will be evolving as we get closer to the Summit. Please check back for more information on additional activities.