Friday Keynote Speaker – Diane Kashin – 2016 Manitoba Nature Summit

The Manitoba Nature Summit Inc. is pleased to announce that Dr. Diane Kashin will be the Friday Morning Keynote Speaker for the 2016 Manitoba Nature Summit.
Her interactive/outdoor keynote address will be entitled:
Emergent Curriculum: Outside Where it Belongs
There is a rationale for beginning inquiry outside that is supported by research and practice in early childhood education. When children spend time outdoors in purposeful play there are tremendous positive outcomes for healthy child development. In the great outdoors, educators can address all developmental domains, all curricular areas and most importantly promote children’s sense of well-being and place.
This interactive keynote address will focus on the who, what, where, why, when and how of emergent curriculum, exploring the relationship to Reggio inspired practice, inquiry, and Forest School principles. Focusing on the origin of emergent curriculum and its antecedents, the address will feature thoughts on theories and theorists. From the great influencers of earlier centuries such as Plato, Rousseau and Froebel to the theorists of the 20th century such as John Dewy (place-based and experiential learning), Frances and David Hawkins (Messing About and Eolithism) and Loris Malaguzzi (the image of the child, 100 languages) to the 21st century such David Sobel – Play Motifs and David Orr – Ecological Literacy there has been tremendous support for learning outdoors.
Together we will experience how easy it is for interests to emerge outside and see the connections with our own ecological histories and hopefully, realizing how emergent curriculum outdoors will contribute to the development of children’s ecological identities and to the sustainability of our planet.
Diane earned her Bachelors of Honours from York University and went on to obtain an early childhood education diploma from Seneca College. Diane worked as an early childhood educator and centre director before beginning graduate studies at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at University of Toronto and teaching early childhood education at Seneca College at both the degree and the diploma level. Diane earned a Masters and Doctorate of Education successfully defending her doctoral thesis: Reaching the Top of the Mountain: The Impact of Emergent Curriculum on the Practice and Self-Image of Early Childhood Educators in 2007
Diane has co-authored two early childhood education textbooks with Pearson Canada; Playing and Learning in Early Childhood Education (2012)
and Empowering Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education (2016) .
Diane retired from Seneca College in 2014 and is excited to be teaching part time at Ryerson University, consulting and providing workshops provincially, nationally and internationally. Her research interests include Reggio inspired practice, the philosophy of Frances and David Hawkins, forest/nature schools, technology integration in ECE and social media for professional learning. Diane is the author of a blog that she writes to support professional learning in early childhood education: and co-moderates an international Twitter chat for educators inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to education #ReggioPLC. Diane is passionate about her volunteer work as the chair of the York Region Nature Collaborative as well as engaging and learning through social media. Diane administers three Facebook Pages and You can also find her on Twitter and
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