Take It Outside: Integrating Literacy & Nature- Nancy Tovell & Anne Ainsworth of Bookmates
Using nature-themed children’s books, participants will discover ways of extending the story by rotating through several stations in a natural setting, focusing on inquiry based learning while enhancing children’s language and literacy skills. Stations include hands on learning using natural loose parts, rhyme and sensory circles, oral storytelling and risky play opportunities.
Workshop Time: Friday Morning and repeated Friday Afternoon
Group that this workshop is best suited for: Preschool
Presenter Bios:
Nancy Tovell is a Program Coordinator at Bookmates, and a proud supporter of family literacy and inter-generational learning. As the mother to two girls, she believes in the importance of fostering a connection to nature by tasting the earth and playing in the rain.
Anne Ainsworth is a Program Trainer at Bookmates and has a
passion for literacy and learning. Her fondest childhood memories are of spending time outdoors. Now she has the pleasure of sharing both of these interests with others.
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