2016 Manitoba Nature Summit Keynote Speakers!!
We are pretty excited about our 2 Keynote speakers for the 2016 Manitoba Nature Summit!

On Friday morning, Dr. Diane Kashin will be presenting her interactive, outdoor, keynote address- Emergent Curriculum: Outside Where it Belongs. Diane is a well-known in the Canadian Early Childhood Education and Reggio communities as a mentor, instructor, scholar and social media force-of-nature. You might be familiar with her works: Reaching the Top of the Mountain: The Impact of Emergent Curriculum on the Practice and Self-Image of Early Childhood Educators (2007), Playing and Learning in Early Childhood Education (2012) and Empowering Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education (2016) York-Region-Nature-Collaborative Tecribresearch Bachelor-of-Child Development twitter.com/DianeKashin1 twitter.com/YRnature
For more information you can go here.
On Saturday morning, Jeff Reading will be joining us from Calgary where he is a professor at the University of Calgary , a business man, catalyst and “leader in environmental education and policy”.He will be presenting his talk: Environmental Literacy. For more information go here.
Both Jeff and Diane are charismatic and engaging speakers and leaders in their field. They will both be presenting workshops in addition to their keynote addresses.
The Manitoba Nature Summit is a non-profit, charitable organization that provides opportunities for educators to learn about nature, alleviate fears, and pass a renewed sense of wonder on to the children in their lives. We aim to engage educators in the outdoors and give them the inspiration and confidence to foster creativity, adventure, and an appreciation of the natural world in their students.