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Meet the Nature Summit Organizing Committee – part 1

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Meet Ruth Lindsey-Armstrong.

Although she will deny it vehemently she is the fearless leader – aka the ORIGINAL Chairperson of the Nature Summit. While there were a number of us all thinking the same things at the time, she was the one who stepped up and did something about it. So although we function mainly on a consensus basis the Nature Summit would not exist without her. So on behalf of everyone who loves the Nature Summit – Thanks Ruth!

She is a mother of two and an outdoor enthusiast who can be found cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and hiking in her free-time (ha!).

She is an ECE III, BA in Developmental Studies and MA in Adult Education, and now Ph.D in Distance Education focusing on academic leadership.

Dr. Ruth is a former Instructor in the Early Childhood Education Workplace Program, and former Associate Dean of Health & Community Services at Red River Polytech.

Ruth loves frogs.

Ruth stepped down from the board in 2019 – but we don’t hold that against her.

1 thought on “Meet the Nature Summit Organizing Committee – part 1”

  1. Pingback: MNACC News 2012/13 | Manitoba Nature Summit

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